Importing into Australia from Bali – Quarantine Measures

Importing Personal Effects From Bali & Quarantine

With every personal effects shipment into Australia or New Zealand your shipment undergoes mandatory quarantine inspection and assessment.

Australia and New Zealand have strict bio security laws to protect the environment Insects & Pests, therefore when you export from another country prior to shipping its important check your personal effects to ensure they are clean and free of insects, dirt and soil. Certain products such as Animal skins, bones, and shells along with plant material can also pose a risk.

Quarantine intervention and further directions can be expensive.

Our Door to Door Service provides services local forwarders cannot. Built into our services, we go above and beyond; our trained Indonesian staff are kept up to speed on Quarantine Bio Risk measures to help prevent any quarantine direction on arrival. The container is fumigated prior to departure, our staff check for dirt, mud and inspects inside and under the container for any potential risk prior to importation. Some products purchased in Bali can be a biological risk – such as borer insects found in some wood products or furniture or moss found on old concrete statues, so if you are ever unsure, please contact us. We are always happy to assist and provide advice. (pictured below – cobwebs found in pots)

Quarantine Awareness

Jetfast Express Fumigates all containers prior to Exporting into Australia or New Zealand. Its a Important step not only to protect the environment but also reduces the risk of expensive Quarantine directions on arrival.

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